Who We Are

tdotSpec team

We are a team of writers and editors from Toronto, dedicated to publishing awesome speculative fiction that reflects diverse and vibrant voices from around the world. We publish stories you want to talk about at parties--stories with compelling hooks, writing that grabs you with the first line, and concepts that grab you before then.

tdotSpec encourages and promotes emerging writers from Toronto and Canada, and spotlights speculative fiction talent across the world. Not all of our stories come from Canadian authors, but our publications promote the values of Toronto and Canada. We are a positive, inclusive, and diverse publication company.

Our Approach

Our Story

Meet the Team


David F. Shultz

David F. Shultz writes short fiction and poetry from Toronto, ON. His more than 50 published works appear in publications such as Abyss & Apex and Dreams and Nightmares.


Don Miasek



Don writes and edits speculative fiction from Toronto, ON.


K. M. McKenzie

Editor / Social Media Team

K.M. McKenzie is a Toronto-based writer obsessed with social media and society's woes. Her short story, "Consumption" is published in the Strange Economics anthology.


Mitchell "the itch" Harris

Mitchell "the itch" Harris is the pseudonym of a Toronto-based IT consultant and amateur writer. He organizes Toronto Horror Writers and is also active online in various writing communities.

Editors & Readers

tdotSpec wishes to thank its incredibly devoted team of volunteer submissions editors and readers, without whom none of the amazing work we're doing would be possible:

  • Brandon Butler (@2BWritingStuff): A published author from Halifax, Nova Scotia currently living in Ontario, Canada. Brandon is a previous winner of the Writers of the Future Contest: second quarter prize winner, featured in Volume XIX. His latest work has also been accepted for publication with Helios Quarterly Magazine and forthcoming anthologies from Bad Dream Entertainment and Dragon's Roost Press.
  • Justin Dill (@JustinDill13): Justin Dill is a Toronto-based writer, editor, and podcaster. He subsists on a steady diet of horror films, Disney animated features, and young adult fantasy novels. His professional certifications include a certificate in publishing and a professional development award in children's publishing. Hear his ramblings on the podcast Story From Scratch.
  • Jeff Butler (@jrbutler_writer): Science equipment salesman selling electrodes and lightening towers (of sorts) to the aspiring Frankensteins of the world.
  • Wayne Cusack: Wayne Cusack lives in Toronto. His short story, ‘Guns or Butter’ has been published in the Strange Economics anthology.
  • Jessica Rust (@jessarust): Jessica is an avid reader and writer of all things sci-fi and fantasy. She lives and works in the Toronto area.
  • A.M. Todd (@todd_a_m)
  • Y. M. Pang (@YMPangWriter)
  • Shivani K., Emil, Calder, Marty H., Anna, Peter, Marlaina, Vineet & Luc


Diversity is an asset, and an institutional strength within a writing community. We value diversity in age, gender, sexual orientation, education, cultural background, religion, experience, ability, neurotype, and any other dimension that affects human experience. Diversity is valuable everywhere, but it is especially valuable in a community whose primary trade is writing about human experiences. Diversity enriches our stories, and it enriches our lives.

Toronto is a vibrant and diverse multicultural community, and Canada is an officially multicultural nation according to our Constitution. At tdotSpec, we believe in the value of multiculturalism and diversity, and we strive to publish a wide range of voices, especially those of traditionally underrepresented perspectives and experiences.

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